SuperBlower filter with VARIpulse and VFV
Tell us your dust type, and the number of machines you need to extract from, and we will provide a world leading dust filtration solution!
We are very experienced in dust collection for market sectors such as: wood and metal manufacturing, education, food processing, defence, recycling, vehicle exhaust (including emergency vehicles) and agricultural sectors.
The hundreds of dust filtration installations managed by our team cover small systems up to extremely large solutions for international corporates. Ebcam Dust & Fume are particularly experienced at supplying solutions at the middle and upper end of the dust extraction range – air volumes from 30,000 to 300,000m³/hour – our suppliers are world leaders in capability and performance and our staff have been trained in Europe to meet their dust extraction specifications.
Site visits will normally be needed depending on the size of the dust extraction system required. We will provide the best dust extraction value for money, because we supply a bigger filter area to ensure your system is future proofed. Dust extraction is a precise science, and we have the experience to size your dust filtration project correctly!
Contact us today for experienced advice for any sized project.
All dusts are explosive to varying degrees, therefore dust filters can and do explode. It is rare, but when it does happen the results can be catastrophic, resulting in death or serious injury:
We are able to offer a range of dust filters with UNIQUE Vertical Flameless Venting: VFVTM Should a filter catch fire and an explosion occur, dust extraction filters with VFV™ vent vertically through the roof via an ATEX approved explosion membrane.
Filters with this VFV™ technology are unique in the Australian and in fact global dust extraction market.
These units have been independently tested and certified by the German FSA test house.
Ask to see the certification or video confirmation from an authorised test house if you are offered a product that makes the same claims – they are often retrofitting explosion membranes to a basic filter assembly which has not been proven to withstand an event, and the result of airborne panels and thousands of screws will be devastating to anyone in its path.
ATEX and IECEx compliant units supplied as required.
Our European designed and manufactured VARIpulse™ filters are the most ENERGY efficient (and SAFEST) filters available worldwide.
The VARIpulse™ cleaning system regulates not only the frequency, but also the power, of the pulse cleaning system for your dust extraction unit.
How can VARIpulse™ save you energy?
We install using our own trained staff, who have years of experience backed by our European supplier with their UNIQUE Safety and Energy saving features.
We have solved 100's of dusty problems thoughout Australasia and specialise in very large dust loads.
We will leave you with a world leading dust extraction system - correctly specified with the right filter area: FUTURE PROOFED !